Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Your going to say stuff and to do stuff in life as your human right that will be a mistake. Own that. We are born to make mistakes. It all works out eventually. It's time to forgive yourself. Too many of us hold onto hurt feelings and self criticism, this is very unhealthy for us. Why would you choose to hurt yourself again and again everyday? Today, let it go. Like the Frozen song, we must trust our awesome selves and and let sh*t go! You are not a better person for feeling crappy about yourself, just a sadder one. Don't destroy your spirit by filling it with guilt or shame. Move past this.

Forgive yourself. Do it daily. You will mess up again, forgiving yourself isn't a get outa jail free card, but it's a start to living more freely. Once you rid yourself of guilt and self crappiness, you can then live more freely, happily and move on with your life.

I read a few ways to help get rid of guilt and forgive youself... this is one of my favourites:

Repeat to yourself about a certain situation this mantra:

"Holding onto these bad feeling is doing nothing, but harming me, and everyone else. It's preventing me from living my fabulous life. I choose to let this go. I am an awesome person who deserves forgiveness. "

If you do this while "tapping" or using EFT system, it is profoundly effective. Do it for daily, until your feelings feel lighter.

Good Job!

The following is an example of "tapping"

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

There are no bad things


Welcome. I haven't posted a blog in a long, long time. I find myself reading more again and with that there is always clarity and peace. Readers are often leaders. So let me lead you into my mind. Enjoy the read. You don't need to agree with me, or follow what I speak about, but enjoy it all the same.

I have been reading a book called, "You are a Badass." It's very funny and very inspiring. I had some thoughts to share with you about what I'm reading... enjoy.

When things don't work out the way you 'planned'... Don't say it's bad. I'm telling you nothing is 'bad.' Nothing happens the exact way you expect. It never happens the way you expect. If something unexpected happens, Say instead, "hmm, this isn't what I was expecting."

If you don't get what your expecting, have no issue with that.

The road to your objective is never the way you think it will turn out. It has surprises and if you stay positive, they will be positive surprises. Get excited when things take a different turn, and say, wow I wonder what this corner will give me! I know first hand my expectations of my life were very different from where they are now. I had no idea who or what would come into my life when I was little. It always changed and it always turns out good. But never the way I expected.

If you think this isn't the result you expected, then think, I wonder where this road will lead me. It didn't work out, but t's still good. Like being sore after a day in the gym. You didn't expect to be hurting at first, but it a good thing.

Next time your tire has a flat, or your dinner burns, or your boyfriend and you break it off, or you get fired, or a loose a job... think... hmm what will this do with my path. What opportunities will be in the future. Where will this lead me. Have a feeling of expectation of great things. Be excited, be intrigued and be open for what is next.

Let me know your 'surprises' in life that lead you to a happier place.