Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tips for working at home

With my Baby Sign Language business. As the owner of Sticky Hands, I have had to find time to learn how to work from home with two small children... NOT an easy task. For those of you who are thinking of attacking such a task, I thought I would share my top 10 tips on how to work from home effectively.
These are my favourite ideas:

1. Have your own space or office with a door. Make sure everyone knows when it is WORK time - no interruptions!
2. Get up and shower and put on makeup. That way you 'feel' as if you are getting ready for work. People will notice in your voice if you are in your PJ's... and you won't feel as productive.
3. Keep three lists - to do today, what you'd like to get done, and what can wait for next week.
4. If you pick up a piece of paper - DO SOMETHING WITH IT! Don't waste time pushing papers around. If you pick something up, file it, post it, call that person, add it to your data base... shred it... whatever. Finish your job!
5. Schedule your day and schedule your breaks. STICK TO IT!
6. Eat, drink water and stay healthy... good sleep etc...
7. Start early and set out realistic expectations.
8. Keep a list to 'check off' or log or blog what you have done in a day... to realize you did accomplish something in the day and not feel the need to work all night.
9. Try to leave the house everyday, even a 15minute walk with the kids.. keep you sane!
10. Set boundaries with the family, make sure they know when it is work time, ask for help. You are human!

For more tips and ideas go to this great site:


Have a great day!

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