Thursday, October 27, 2011


I have recently been listening and reading about Brian Tracy and boy does he open your eyes on the life your leading. If any of you have read The Secret or know about 'postive thinking' etc... Brain Tracy takes this one more level and actually begins to guide you along on your path of success. He is very motivational and practical. Finally, someone who is successful business man and someone who believes in changing your life with thoughts turned into action. I highly recommend you give his blogs a read. He has traning modules as well. I am currently trying out his 'schedule your daily goals and to do's' to get a hold on my every changing life. It take the acts of writing out your goals for the next year, but you have to rewrite them everyday. The act of rewriting them keeps you more focused on them.

As most of you know I have three kids and my husband runs his own business and now I started running my own business as a Baby Sign Language Instructor. Brian Tracy is about to help me balance this all while keeping my sanity intact. Is this possible? I will keep you informed.

I am excited about my new journey and I hope I have the 'self discipline' it takes to 'stay on target' as Obi One from Star Wars would say.

That's all for today. I have to check my schedule and see what's next... wish me luck!

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