Saturday, February 18, 2012

Misbehaviour or trust building?

Toddlers are not intentionally acting up or misbehaving for the most part. Toddlers are usually engaging in developmentally age appropriate skills. When you see them 'play' they are literally working. Children learn about their environment through all the 5 senses. They are also testing parents constantly to make sure they parent say and do what they mean. Only in this way, do children learn that valuable lesson about trust and security.

The next time you say to youself, "This child is driving me crazy, they are constantly testing me!" Think to yourself, thank goodness, they are working hard to learn trust... and then ask yourself, "How can I teach this important skill?"

Teaching trust comes with love, affection, patience, understanding. Slow down a bit and find yourself going down their level. See the world through their tiny eyes and short legs and show them what trust is.

Things to think on...

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