Friday, August 31, 2012

20 Toddler Tips in 20 days Today: 6. Stimulants

Toddler Survival Tip #6

6. Reduce technical stimulants

In today's society we are bombarded by technical gadgets and electronic visuals. 

I have seen babies as young as 2 and 3 with portable DVD players, cell phones, tv's in the bedroom, laptops even. It's incredible. Some of these babies don't know how to build with blocks, train tracks or large leggos.

Teletubbies creates a watcher, not a doer, shortens attention spans, and starts an addiction in kids who are prone to it. Besides being creepy and freaking me out a little, they do nothing for my child's development.

When they're a little older, they'll flip on the TV instead of reading a book or creating something with their own mind. Not to mention that you'll have stopped being able to monitor what they watch by the time they're eight. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of two not watch TV or videos at all because it impacts brain development. The AAP recommends that children over two watch AT MOST an hour daily of nonviolent, educational TV. Even in Canada the Health Unit and nurses that visit your home with your new baby will recommend no TV or videos at all in the first two years.

Be selective what you do allow your child to watch. They are learning about their world by what they see, hear around them.

Don't just have the TV on all the time, choose the radio or kids music.


-Dance with your babies, invite music into their lives. Find a Kindermusik class in your area.

-Attend bonding classes with your baby such as:
1.Parent and baby yoga   ( Mission, BC

4.Kindermusik classes (

7.Skating or tobogganing (

10.Drop in programs, crafts, water play, rec center gym time and much more. (

If you are interested in a community event with your baby, send me a comment, email, phone call and I will you connect with your baby today!

For further community support and information.


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