Friday, August 30, 2013

Week 8 - Unplug your screen and plug in to your kids

Welcome to the Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival: Week #8 - Unplug
This post was written for inclusion in the 10 Week Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival hosted by Prenatal to Parenting. This week our participants have written about unplugging. We hope you enjoy this week’s posts and consider joining us next week when we share about a week of spending time outside.

This week we were told to unplug. To be honest, I didn't see it as much of a problem. I don't have cable, I don't let the kids watch more than hour of their show a day. (We have learning DVD's) My weakness is facebook, as it is often my only social outlet at home. But the weekends are so busy, I don't plug in much. We had a BBQ that latest most of Saturday, so no plug in at all. Sunday we were playing, parks etc. Monday we were at the zoo all day, so no plug in at all. I didn't even get more than 1 text that day. Tuesday was about getting back to work a bit. So I needed to call and advertise for my classes. The thing is, I do this when they nap, so in the mornings, it's breakfast, homeschooling time and not much computer time for me. I usually get about 30 minutes on facebook in morning. Then I work mid afternoon, then more kid time.

I made more of an effort to ignore my phone when we were out. I found we had such an amazing time at the park. I was able to show them how to make helicopters out of things in nature. We collected broken nut shells and talked about how they would be perfect baskets for ferries. It was loads of fun. We played a lot of pretend play and spent almost two hours at the park. So great!

All week was fun. I think I will make an extra effort to have less facebook time and less texting when my kids are around. It really helps to focus on them. I found myself getting down to their eye level more. I was creating more crafts and slowed down a bit. I think the less screen time the more face time I get with my kids!


Unplugging the easy way - Sarah from Prenatal to Parenting enjoyed four whole days of unplugged time this week.
Unplugged – Amy from The Connection We Share creates some rules for herself to keep her unplugging on track.
Unplugged – Peaceful Parenting Challenge Week 8 - Katrina from Kalem Photography knows her family has been enjoying her being less connected to technology.
Week 8 - Unplug your screen and plug in to your kids - Amanda from Sticky Hands thinks the less screen time the more face time with her kids!
Week 8: Turning off and Tuning in -Kathryn from Curiosity and the Kat tries to turn the TV off. 
 Unplugging from Technology - Ricky from Daddy Blogger almost missed the carnival this week because he was unplugged.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Week 7 - Watch Your Language!

Welcome to the Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival: Week #7-Watch Your Language
This post was written for inclusion in the 10 Week Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival hosted by Prenatal to Parenting. This week our participants have written about using positive language with others. We hope you enjoy this week’s posts and consider joining us next week when we share about a week of unplugging.

Watch your language and I don't mean your teenagers, I mean yours! The parent!

So much of what we say affect our children. In the first 5 years, everything we do and say will affect your child's personality. It's amazing how much our 'little ones' sound JUST like us when they are angry and vocal. We laugh and we may even feel a bit embarrassed, but it is more serious than that. What we say to them, around them, at them, will indeed affect them for the rest of their life, whether we believe it or not. The scientific research has been done again and again.

I try to be as careful as I can around my boys when I talk. The thing is, when I read this assignment this week, I realized that I tend to not be as careful around my husband. I tend to let the negative verbal diarrhea fly once the kids are in bed. What an awful way to spend an evening. Complaining and letting your frustrations vent at night with your husband is not the way to grow a relationship. This week I have been more aware and consciously working at being more positive around my husband. If I want to vent, pout or get out my aggressions, I write them down in a book and I don't share it. I only want to share what I want to get back in my life and that is a positive warm feeling.

You get back what  you think about most of the time! Positive language comes from positive thinking. You must first feed your brain positive books, shows, information and people. You need to focus on things that make you feel happy. Think of positive experiences you have had or want to have. Then follow those with positive thoughts and positive words. Start saying out loud things you love and things you want to happen.

Happy Parenting!


Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
Tips for making the Positive Comments outweigh the negative in your child’s day - Sarah from Prenatal to Parenting shares a startling stat and asks for your help in changing the numbers.
How to talk to your kids – Amy from The Connection We Share discovers the power of using positive language with your kids.
Watch Your Words - Amber from feels better about her parenting when she’s using more positive language.
The Power of Words - Peaceful Parenting Challenge Week 7 - Katrina from Kalem Photography is trying to figure out positive phrasing for some things she’d like her 2 year old to stop doing.  
Week 7 - Watch Your Language!– Amanda from Sticky Hands suggests we start saying out loud things you love and things you want to happen.

Language and Distractions- Peaceful Parenting Challenge: Week 7 -Kathryn from Curiosity and the Kat is a bit distracted.

Watch Your Language! -Lolly from My Journey Home is attempting to communicate positively with her teen.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 6 - Positive Self Talk

Welcome to the Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival: Week #6 – Developing Positive Self-Talk
This post was written for inclusion in the 10 Week Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival hosted by Prenatal to Parenting. This week our participants have written about Developing Positive Self-Talk. We hope you enjoy this week’s posts and consider joining us next week when we share about a week of Watching Our Language.

Since starting a program called G.I.N. (Global Information Network) last year my whole life has changed. A big part of what I have learned through this is that your thoughts have power. More power than anything you do. Your thoughts create your reality. I practice this everyday and have for a long time. Postive affirmation is only a small part of this. We must feed our minds with positive thoughts on a daily basis. We must read positive books, listen to positive music, watch positive programs, talk with positive people. We must immerse ourselves in it.

If you want to change things in your life, you must just do that... change things in your life. Choose it everyday.

For more information on GIN

I read quite often. When I feel overwhelmed and unable to handle a situation I run to my books. I don't walk, I run. I hide in my bathroom or bedroom and I leave my little ones knocking at the door. I sit and I quickly leaf through books that will change my thoughts. I read "Ask and It is Given" by Jerry Hicks, "Positive Discipline for under 3" by Jane Nelsen, "Positive Discipline A-Z" by Jane Nelsen and I listen to audio's found under the GIN website. Even 15 minutes of reading change literally change my entire day. I must feed my mind when my mind is loosing the emotional battle.

When you are emotionally charged you cannot access your logical reasoning skills. We must first relax, calm down and breathe. Then we are able to positively out think our bad mood.

I founds this week to be a great reminder of what I practice daily. I find that I need to use more positive self talk out loud. It is a powerful thing when you can say, "I can do this, I am having a hard time, but I can do this." especially if you can do this in front of your most important audience, your children.

The other day Geran, my 4 year old, was struggling with learning to do up his buttons. I heard him and I went over and ask how he felt and if he needed any help and this is what he said word for word... no prompting from me, "It's hard, but I know I can do it, thanks anyway mom."

I was floored! My talk all this year has been a positive influence on my son. I was so proud of him and I was proud of myself. This memory keeps me from blowing my lid in front of the kids. I must remain calm, positive, kind and firm. They learn everything from me right now. I am the teacher, their definition of humanity. This is very important at least for the first 5 years as they are learning who they are within that time.

I will be working on writing more affirmations on my own so I can run and read my own words. I find power behind that as well.

Happy Parenting.


Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
Affirmations– Sarah from Prenatal to Parenting turns anger into Peaceful Parenting Affirmations for herself.
Week #6- developing Positive Self Talk– Jennifer from Children’s Directory says yes every day for a year.
Positive Self Talk – Peaceful Parenting Challenge – Week 6 - Katrina from Kalem Photography has been developing positive self-talk for about 30 years.
Positive Self-Talk – Ricky from Daddy Blogger is feeling more comfortable with this week’s challenge.
Week 6 - Positive Self Talk– Amanda from Sticky Hands practices positive self-talk out loud for the benefit of her most important audience.
Peaceful Parenting: Week 6 -  I am NOT an Independent Woman ... and that is okay.- Kathryn from Curiosity and the Kat reminds herself it’s ok to ask for help.
Positive Transitions - Lolly from My Journey Home is back to a stressful job after maternity leave.
I am a good mother – Michelle from My Peaceful Parenting praises herself when she doesn’t lose it.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Week 5 - Remain present.

Welcome to the Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival: Week #4 – Practicing Presence
This post was written for inclusion in the 10 Week Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival hosted by Prenatal to Parenting. This week our participants have written about Practicing Presence.. We hope you enjoy this week’s posts and consider joining us next week when we share about a week of Developing Positive Self-Talk.

I found this week to be quite easy. Maybe because I practice this a lot. I often will stop what I am doing be it dishes, laundry, watching a show, reading a book when my children ask me a question. I try to remember to scoot down to their eye level and make sure they are aware that I am fully present and listening. I find this to be so effective for our bonding and our communication.

My boys are also very confident to say, "Mommy, can you shut off your tv I have a question." From a 4 year old, I love this kind of self assurance. My husband also likes to look me in the eye, making me aware and present.

I think my family communicate very well together. I stop what I am doing to listen and respond to my children throughout the day. Even if I have a friend over, I ask them to hold on a sec and I turn and face my child and make sure I listen. It beats listening to whining and I find if I address their issues and concerns right away, they are easily solved and they move on quickly to the next thing and I am able to continue what I was doing.

As for listening to any meditation tapes, I didn't find or make the time to do that. But we did try kid yoga together, which my 4 year old enjoys and is getting good at, but my 2 year old thinks when I do downward dog, it's time to for him to play mom is a horsie ride!

Til next week.


Sweet Sleepy Time– Sarah from Prenatal to Parenting realizes that by focusing on all the things that she 'could' be doing she was missing out on what she 'was' doing.
Week 5 Practicing Presence – Jennifer from Children’s Directory finds it’s easier to practice presence when there is no Wi-Fi available.
Being Present – Peaceful Parenting Challenge – Week 5  - Katrina from Kalem Photography learns to listen not only with her ears but also with her heart.
Practicing Presence – Ricky from Daddy Blogger has a wonderful time waiting for the ferry.
Week 5 - Remain present – Amanda from Sticky Hands has got this presence thing nailed.
KICK THE PANTS! - WEEK 5-- LISTEN UP WILL YOU? - Kathryn from Curiosity and the Kat finds it ironic that she’s learned all this before.
Being present can bring great gifts– Lolly from My Journey Home feels she still has some work to do.  

Friday, August 2, 2013

Week 4 - Slow Down

Lucky for me slowing down was expected as I was going away on vacation for 5 days up to Sorrento to stay with my mom. I brought a friend to help with the boys as well. It was lovely, lying around the in pool. Enjoying watching my boys play with sprinker, trucks and each other. The love was overpouring.
Each time I felt anxiety or stress, I just remembered to breathe. I even did some yoga while I was away. It was so wonderful. I was truely blessed. My blog this week, is make sure you slow down and enjoy your time with your family, they grow so fast.
The boys are happy to be back home and I must remember to slow life down and enjoy the little things.

My favourite moment was when my 4 year old was playing with his toys and he said, "I'm your big brother and I will take care of you. Mom and daddy take care of each other but I will always take care of you forever."
What a window into his little mind and the love he has for his younger brother. Bless them and their little hearts too.

Another very cool moment was when we watched a mama and papa Robin feed their babies and then watched as the babies left the nest and learned to fly. Wow, I love BC!

Well, slow down and enjoy the bubbles, trees, birds, etc. Take a look at life through a child's view, you'll find more time for appreciation.
