Sunday, November 17, 2013

Unschooling means school is everyday.

Every wonder what to do with an old McDonald's container? Try making a fairy house.

Geran and Nash love the Tinkerbell movies and so today Geran wanted to make a fairy house.

We took an old McDonald's container and taped up the bottom to make it strong.
With some hot glue and many sticks/nuts etc we glued them onto the house. We used leaves for the roof and made sure it could still open and close.

There was already a door and window in place to pop out of the box, so easy peezy.

Geran made a bed out of an old jewelery box, felt and cotton pillows. Too fun!

Here is my Sunday:

It can open and close.

 The inside. We are currently using Popsicle sticks to make table and chair. We are going to add onto the walls etc... we may make the box bigger one day by taking off a wall and taping it to another McD box. We'll see.

 His MnM treasures for Tinkerbell he said.

Love that the container already had a door and window to punch out. We just glued on some sticks and nuts.

A bowl for Tinkers treats.

We put it under the hedge so the weather wouldn't destroy it as quickly. Geran added a 'rain-barrel' and a lamp which is hung up and you can't see it in this picture. He made the path as well.

At 4 years old he's been doing this for 1.5 hours. Can't believe he held his attention for that long.

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