Tuesday, February 12, 2019


I am reminded why I started this Blog. For myself and for writing. To help me stare at a piece of white paper and just write. I have been using a blue pen on real paper way lately and I like it. I love the way the pen feels under the ink. But I think it important to continue here as well.

I love reading parenting books, short stories, poetry, financial information and puppy know how. I always surround myself with what I have. I like to feed my soul with what I need.

This week, puppy is 6 month old Shepherd crazy and fun. Kids are doing well homeschooling still. James is doing well with his studio and band work. My stories are progressing, I'm still painting and I am reading a lot lately.

So in short. I am happy. That's all for today.

1 comment:

  1. SO my puppy is now 2 years old and finally she is becoming the dog I knew she could be. Basically what I mean is I finally see my pup as part of the family. It feels like I raised her well and she's settled in. No more puppy chewing, biting of clothing, no more pee in the house, whiney at night etc... even leash walks have now improved and I can take her running or with me biking. It was a hard 2 years raising her, but she's lovely and my boys LOVE her so much. If only we could raise kids in two years and they were all grown up haha
