Friday, May 13, 2011


What kind of mother's would we have without our girlfriends. If you are one of us, then you realize without your sister, mother, best friend, whoever your Girl is... you realize that you couldn't be the great mom you are without them. I am extreemly blessed to have such great women in my life and I believe they make me a better mother. With their support, energy and understanding of my every mood and whim, I am balanced and at peace so that I can be strong, peaceful and ready for anything with my children.

So thank you my many girlfriends... in the form of friends, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, mothers in all forms... I am blessed to know you.

Tonight my girlfriends gave me a pedicure and painting my pregnant belly and then took pictures. They made me feel special and part of a great club of special women.

To all those women out there who has done something special for another women, your gift never goes unnoticed.

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