Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Invisible Learning

It's hard to sell new parents on signing to their babies, if they have never been introduced to this idea. The benefits of signing will be unseen to them, if they never tried it. They may go along and 'guess' at what their babies needs are. They will try to 'interpret' what their babies is sharing with them. They will sit and watch their 'toddlers' have meltdowns and may have a vague idea of why, but not fully know what is going on in their little minds.

Why do parents feel they have to suffer through the first few years not understanding what they baby needs and wants are? It may take a few weeks or months, but when your baby starts to sign with you, and you begin to build this incredible relationship; you will be pleasantly surprised how much more balanced, peaceful and fun parenting can be with only a few signs to support you.

Some great reads are Baby Signs, Baby Hearts and Baby Minds by Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn.
The founders of The Baby Signs Program. They have done over 25 years of extensive research on the effects of signing with your baby.

Not only does signing with your baby take the guesswork out of knowing what your baby wants, it will build a closer bond between you and your child. It will increase their IQ for years to come. Signing also allows babies to share their minds and show you how smart they really are. Even as young as a 6 month old baby can tell you when they want 'MORE MILK' or when they are 'DONE' being tickled.

Do yourself a favour and read up on the benefits of signing with your baby today!


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