Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Third babies get little journal room

Poor third child... I checked out my journal today. And yes, it is true the more children you have the less info you put in your diary about the experiences. I feel bad for Baby Nash today. I haven't written anything in my journal for over 3 months. I need to start, so maybe starting here isn't a bad idea. So bare with me while I gush.

My heart feels like it may explode from the love I have for this little 5 month old. He is so sweet. His smile melts me, his giggles make me giggle, his eyes soak love and show love so deep I could drown in his love.

Ok, that's it gushing over. But seriously, this little guy is awesome. He hasn't rolled over, sat up on his own, or crawled yet. He is grasping objects pretty quickly, manipulating his pull down vibrating toy, turning pages on his exersaucer, pushing himself up off his belly, back crawling with his feet, and making all kinds of conversation. The best part though is Nashville finally showed me his first sign. UP

He puts his hands up when I go to get him from the crib. He puts his hands up when I ask him, "Do you want upie?" I show him my hands up. He mimics me. He puts his hands up when I walk by his play mat and he's telling me with arms he wants up. If I don't stop he reinforces this request by a little scream cry complaint. So cool. Geran's first sign was MILK at 5 months and Nash's is UP.

I am sad to see a lot of Geran's signs leaving as he talks so much more each day. He will be two and a half in December, but talks like a 3 or 4 year old. I beg him to sign to me, like trying to hold onto his baby-ness, if that's a word. But alas, he is growing older each day and with that he uses less and less signing. Luckily I have baby Nash to relive the amazing world of signing baby. I am so excited for our journey together and I know Geran will help on the way. He always signs MILK to Nash when he cries. Geran knows what's going on. So cute!

Hope you will enjoy the journey with me.

Check out my website for class information if your in the Abbotsford area.

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