Well, I am Canadian, but I am still bombarded with the states and their thanksgiving advertisements. Because of this I have been thinking about what I am thankful for.
I am thankful for technology. I love that my dishes wash themselves in the dishwasher, my clothes go for a ride in the washer and dryer, my favourite shows can be taped and wait for my presence to resume, my phone & computer connect me to loved ones and keep me in the loop of the outside world. Skype allows my sons to visit their grandparents up north. I love technology.
This last one is especially true for the stay at home parent. I use to chat about the daily news in the lunch room with my colleges in the Langley School District when I was working outside the home. I'd even get a chance to read a newspaper or listen to the news on my way in on the radio. Now I listen to "Zoom, zoom to the moon and Over in the Meadow." My newspaper is only used to cover the floor so the kids can paint or carve pumpkins.
The internet has allowed me to still have adult conversation on forums I enjoy. It lets me twitter about who wants to be in politics and where to buy the latest of this's and that's. Facebook keeps me in the mommy world and lets me buy crap online I don't need.
All seriousness, I love technology and I am thankful it is in my life.
The time saved from doing washing by hand or dishes all night allows me to have time to wrestle with my two year old or blow raspberries on my babies tummy. I can cuddle with my hubby and watch Dexter online while my self cleaning oven does the 'dirty' work.
Thank you technology for giving me time and connection with family.
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