Thursday, April 5, 2012


As a WAHM (work at home mom) I find it increasently more and more important to celebrate success. Having no boss to say, "good work" or "I appreciate you," makes it hard to measure our own success.

So we go on feelings or written goals (even better and really important with self employment)

Write down what you did well today, this week or this month.

Keep a record and then learn to CELEBRATE! The right way!

Celebration can be as simple as take yourself out for coffee BY YOURSELF! And DON"T answer the phone when your out, better still, leave it at home.

Celebration can be write down what you did well today and how that made you feel. Or how it made your family members feel.

Celebration can be buying yourself a new piece of clothing, get your hair or nails done. Make that massage appointment or invite a friend to a cheap movie night.

Celebration is what helps up work hard everyday. It's what most people do in the corporate world when we get that promotion or big account. It's time we took celebration to our level and make it our own!

It doesn't have to involve drinking, food, or buying something.

Just take a at home spa day... sit in the bath and read by candle light, tell hubby YOUR UNAVAILABLE because its your celebration day for such n such.

It will show your children how to celebrate their own small accomplishments such as learning to get dressed by themselves. Learning to read and finishing their first novel. Then you can show them how to celebrate... by keeping a journal with them. Renting a movie.

You can even keep a 'surprise celebration jar' at home.

Fill the jar with 'celebration ideas'... one for each family member so it is age appropriate.

A jar for a 4 year old may have in it:
-rent a movie
-play a board game with family
-1 hour alone time with mom or dad at a coffee shop or at the park
-a trip to the ice cream shop
-craft time
-painting on the front window

Today I wanted to write down my accomplishments...

I was able to..
Do the laundry
Wash dishes
Hand out signing kits to my customers
Make Easter cards with my two year old
Pin up balloons by ribbon on the ceiling for Nashville to crawl through and hit
Go to the dollar store
Stuff Easter eggs for the hunt tomorrow
Make a great dinner with double baked potatoes and roasted chicken
Take the boys to I Got You Babe Mothergoose class
Help my husband with his nametags and a bit of driving.
Visit with a girlfriend

I was pretty happy with all the things I was able to accomplish today.

To celebrate tonight, I will be watching a movie guilt free and getting my hair done!

Write down your successes today!

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