Create Problem Solvers not Problems
Many parents want cooperative,
respectful, courageous, confident, resourceful children but have no
idea what is needed to develop these characteristics.
It is so much easier to 'do things for
a 2 year or 3 year old, not to mention it's faster for our busy
life.' But what is more important?... speed, perfection and ease or
helping your children develop confidence, perceptions of
capability and strong life skills?
Remember skills are not inborn, they
are learned and taught by the primary caregivers.
I've said it before and I'll say it
again. Too many times parents 'tell' their children what to do, or
worse, do it for them. Children cannot develop a sense of 'autonomy'
(self confidence, life skills, self respect) when parents spend so
much time yammering at them about what they need to do, how they need
to feel and what they need to think about. TELLING children, takes
away the opportunity for children to think for themselves. Lecturing
often causes children to 'tune out' because most of what you say goes over
their heads. Parents are disappointed when children don't have self
control, but may not realize they are not using the 'right parenting
skills' to teach this important development.
What can we do about this now? If you
always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've
always got.” Is a great quote to remember.
So the answer is CHANGE
your attitude and old patterns.
Stop lecturing today and start
asking questions like:
“What were you trying to do?”
“What else could you do if you want
this happen again?”
“what do we need when we... go
outside, brush our teeth, eat dinner?”
“What just happened?” “Why do you
think that happened?”
Remember language is a journey and
takes time to learn. They may not understand everything, and you may
have to simplify your questions for per-verbal children and young
children, but you're on your way to having a child who knows how to
be resourceful and think for themselves.
This skill is especially important for girls. Studies
and research has shown that girls are not valued for their thinking
skills and usually not given enough opportunities to question and
work out problems. These studies were done at a school aged level. Let's start today to change this result.
Examples of questions for younger
children may be...
“What do need to go outside?” (they
can run and get their own jacket etc... if you make the item
“Kitty's hungry, what does she need?”
(they can help pour the food in the bowl)
“Daddy's hurt, what does he need?”
(encouraging empathy by giving hugs)
“Oops, a spill, what can you do?”
(offer them a rag to clean up)
“How do you feel?” (when they are
crying or whining or angry... pick them up, give them a hug.
Sometimes that is all they need. Remember under the age of 3, time outs, spanking, lecturing are all ineffective wasters.
It's important to teach children how
to think, not what to think.
The younger the child, the more CLUES
we need to give them. If your 2 year old is 'stuck up against the
wall' with his trike, we can say, "You're stuck, what do
think would happen if you got off and backed up?” Asking a question
as opposed to 'telling them to get off and back up, engages an
important part of their brain to connect logic processing. The goal
is to invite decisions and thinking skills.
Boost Baby' Brain today!
Signing Tip: Teach the words jacket, shoes, kitty etc... so when you ask them what do we need, they can respond by signing the answer. My 10 month old can sign fish when I ask who need food as I sprinkle the fish food into the tank. He is already playing an active role is decision making. Happy Signing!
Join me on facebook search: Baby Signs with Sticky Hands in Abbotsford
Twitter @AmandaMinchau
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