Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 2 -Breathe

Welcome to the Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival: Week #2- Mindful Breathing.
This post was written for inclusion in the 10 Week Peaceful Parenting Challenge Blog Carnival hosted by Prenatal to Parenting. This week our participants have written about creating awareness. We hope you enjoy this week’s posts and consider joining us next week when we share about a week of Practicing Mindfulness.

Wow. Week 2 and epic fail~ 

When I have time to breathe I fill it with showering, cleaning, homeschooling, birthdays, events, planning, blogging, eating, or sleeping. I can't believe I can't find 3 minutes to sit alone and breath. Only when I pee do I find alone time. I actually tried using a timer and I couldn't get an uninterrupted 3 minutes. It's ridiculous. I fill my time with what? I think a better challenge for me would have been to write down what I do every 15 mintues, but I have no time for that!Giggling.

I think this is one weak area I need to work on for sure! I didn't even take the time to read articles on breathing. I planned on yoga in the morning and my busy kids and life go quickly in the way.

My first attempt was in the morning. But my husband said the kids were up asking him to play and it broke his heart he had to go to work, so I should come out and play with them. So out I went, not even up for 3 minutes, pee'd, brush hair, teeth. I don't think I've even had time to shower in the last 2 days... nope.

The only "me time" I get is after the kids go to bed at 8pm. I usually fill this time with a TV show, chatting with family and friends to build social time. I need to breath somewhere! I'm so exhausted at that time, that breathing deep felt like a job.

I wonder why I do not make this a priority. Maybe I can try again next week. I need to be able to show my children the importance of relaxing or I'm going to have high anxiety stressed out kids!

Looking forward to reading this months later when I am a breathing, relaxing guru... I can only hope.


Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
Teaching My Spirited Son About Deep Breathing – Sarah from Prenatal to Parenting shares some ways to teach kids about deep breathing.
Deep Breathing Challenge Ricky at Daddy Blogger has been practicing and will be putting his deep breathing to the test on his family trip.
Just Breathe - Peaceful Parenting Challenge - Week 2 - Katrina from Kalem Photography goes up against her incessant need to be busy.
Remember to Breathe – Jennifer from The Children’s Directory discovers how breathing can work with parents-in-laws, friends, partners, co-workers and annoying neighbours as well as children.
Week 2 & Epic Fail -Amanda from Family and Baby Sign Language discovers how challenging it is to find a few minutes to herself.
Breathing On – Verena from Memory Maker Events talks the difference mindful breathing made in her busy days.
Week #2 Peaceful Parenting Challenge - Michelle from My Peaceful Parenting models deep breathing for her sons.

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