Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bad Mondays

There are some days I wish I was invisible... I feel frustrated, alone, overwhelmed... the kids are loud, whiney, the housework is overfilling the sink, laundry room, the job demands are at me and I want to run off to Vegas. I am trying to smile and out comes a growl and my two year old, says, "what's wrong mommy?" I can only answer sorry honey, I am just frustrated. He says all better and moves on. I hide my struggles inside, trying to put on a happy face and get through my day. Some days are just like that. It is just normal. But ALWAYS and yes always at night. When I get to snuggle with my kids, my only job is to read books, tell the same stories again and again. Snuggle and love them, I forget all about my day. And then I sneak in later when they are fast asleep and wow... I am so lucky, they are healthy, sweet, wonderful boys and my life is so blessed.

I must remember my Mantra... I am too blessed to be stressed!

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